God, Is That Really You? Leaving Our Comfort Zone to Follow His Voice
Has God ever spoken to you? At the time, did you know it was Him?
I remember when I first realized that God was actually communicating with me. It wasn’t this loud booming voice as we see in the movies. In fact, it wasn’t audible at all. But I knew that God was speaking to me, and it absolutely changed my relationship with Him from that moment forward.
No longer did I consider prayer as a task to be done, each day, because that’s what all good Christians do. Neither did I see it as a one-sided conversation where I talked and hoped that God was listening. Rather, I eagerly anticipated spending time with Him because I knew that He was right there with me.
Sometimes, He speaks to me by giving me scripture. As I am praying about something, book, chapter, and verse will flash through my mind.
Dreams are another method that God seems to use to provide information about something that He wants me to know or understand.
At other times, I will hear words spoken in my mind and know that it’s the Holy Spirit leading me.
He may choose to speak to us in any number of ways, including through the words of other people.
But one thing seems to remain constant: God likes to grow our faith in Him, which often means asking us to do something that is outside of our comfort zone.
It was 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, and Tony called from the office and asked if I would like to see the 5:00 showing of Rogue 1 (Star Wars). It had been out for almost three weeks, and we still had not seen it. It was dangerously cold, that day, but we bundled up and arrived at the theater in plenty of time. It was early, after all, and not opening weekend, so we didn’t have to worry about long lines.
We chose seats that were just one row up from the main floor. Sitting below us were three individuals-two men and one woman. The woman wore the most interesting spectacles that I have ever seen-lenses that flip up or down. Tony and I both took note of how unique they were.
We had been watching the movie for a while when I looked down at the trio, and in my mind I heard, “Go talk to those people.”
I thought, “Lord, did you really just tell me to go talk to those people? I don’t know them. What would I say? You know, they might think I’m crazy.”
I even began to entertain the thought that perhaps it was just my imagination.
Perhaps God had not really asked me to do such a thing-at least that’s what I was hoping to be true.
So I continued to debate the issue in my mind, reminding God of why it just didn’t make any sense.
As the movie ended and the credits began to roll, I was ready to leave. However, Tony wasn’t quite ready to go. He always likes to watch the credits at the end just to make sure that the film’s producers didn’t add a comedic out-take or blooper.
So we sat there and watched the list run down the screen. When the list of accountants came up, I leaned over and pleaded, laughing, “Come on. We’re on the list of accountants now.”
He laughed, but said, “Just wait.”
We were the only ones still sitting there, along with the trio, below, and another couple behind us. Everyone else had left the theater.
As the trio began to assemble themselves in order to leave, they moved to the end of the aisle and paused for a few moments. Tony and I stood up, and I moved toward the Exit, hoping he would follow. Gently nudging one last time, I said, “Come on. It’s over.” He took one last drink of his iced tea and then stepped down.
Looking to the left and toward the darkened floor, he bent down and picked up a hat and gloves. He asked the lady, “Do these belong to you?”
She said, “Oh yes, and is there a scarf too?” He picked up a scarf, as well, and handed them to her.
She thanked him, and we went on our way.
As we were driving home, I told him about the words I had heard and my struggle. I said, “God spoke to me, but you actually did what I was told to do. How did you even see the hat, gloves, and scarf? It was dark.”
He said, “I’m just observant.”
Tony had not heard the words spoken to him. He had only seen a need and tried to help.
I had heard the words but had not seen the need.
How many times do we miss an opportunity because we are in too big of a hurry to notice something He has orchestrated for us? How many times do we simply ignore His voice because we doubt it is from Him, or brush it off because it is something we would rather not do?
Walking up to total strangers, without a good reason, is not something I am very comfortable with. I had no idea why I needed to talk to them or what I was supposed to say.
Later, as I was processing everything, I realized that one or more of the following had taken place:
God was proving to me that I had, indeed, heard his voice. Maybe that was His goal all along.
Perhaps God was using it as a teaching moment, so that the next time He instructs me to do something that is outside of my comfort zone, I will understand how to proceed.
Maybe I was supposed to notice the lost items, or maybe Tony’s discovery of those items was the introduction I needed to do what God had asked me to do.
Looking back, I realized that I didn’t need to come up with the perfect words. He was just asking me to take a step of faith.
God meets us where we are. He doesn’t ask us to do these things on our own.
The request was simple, but I had made it so much bigger in my mind.
God doesn’t expect us to have all of the answers. However, He does expect us to do what He asks us to do (which will never be contrary to His Word), and He will take care of the rest.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27 NIV).
Are you listening for God’s voice in your own life? What is God asking you to do that is outside of your comfort zone?